Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My mornings

Each morning I get woken up to the wonderful sounds of a Chinese man's voice shouting fitness instructions out to the local Chinese students, none of which are my students, at 6:30 in the morning. I have nothing against daily fitness, in fact I think America needs to institutionalize mandatory exercise because we're becoming one amazingly fat country, but if you're going to wake me up at the crack of dawn to do workouts i beg that you actually do something challenging. I stayed up once to see the kind of things these kids do and for the pictures its not much. From the little bits and pieces i can translate from the "Drill Sargent's" instructions the school is basically having the students raise their hands up and down. I don't want to sound judgmental but I think these are the same exercise used to teach kindergarten students how to raise their hands in class. Now IF i was in charge of national fitness in China these kids would be in ridiculous shape. I'd hire Barry Bonds as my nutrition expert, require Puma track suits as their official uniforms, and have Kanye's work out plan on constant repeat. Hmmmmmm I might be on to something here. . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Christian says you should proof read, and for the love of God, update! Oh, and I hope you're having a good time. Thanksgiving won't be the same without you. Love, your "biggest" sister.